Skilled Workforce

I don’t have to tell you how hard it is to build and maintain a skilled workforce today.  All the companies I visit are always looking to add more skilled people to their workforce, but the plain fact is, most all skilled techs are employed and well paid.  They may land a skilled person here or there, but this does not even dent the need existing for manufacturers.

The tried and true way of building a skilled workforce is that most companies have to fundamentally change the way they operate their businesses.  None of the old models attract and retain skilled people anymore.  A company must ask themselves the following questions:

1)  Does your company have an organization in-place that will attract and retain skilled people?

2)  Do your present employees have the necessary basic and advanced technical skills required to improve productivity and company profitability?

3) Does your company pay competitive wages to attract and retain you present skilled employees?

4) Does your company have a formal pay-grade system set-up (by job classification) and an annual performance review system in place to identify and reward performance?

5) Does your company have a formal training system in place to upgrade the skills of your present workforce?

6) Are your supervisors trained to supervise?

7) Does your company need help not only in upgrading the skills of your workforce, but can your company on occasion need help in CNC Programming, CAD/CAM, CMM operations in order to take cost out of the products your are manufacturing?

If your answer to most of the questions listed above is NO to questions 1-6 and YES to question #7, I invite you to contact me in order to discuss how David P. Larkin & Associates can be of assistance.  There is no cost associated with discussing your needs. 

The bottom-line is a company with an educated/skilled workforce makes a lot more money than one that isn’t.

I hope to talk with you soon.

Thanks, Dave Larkin

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